Australia to lead the charge on the Privacy Debate


In a connected world more and more digital data will created, stored and shared. Consumers are already sharing incredible amounts about themselves through email, on social networking sites, and the list is growing. Sharing has become a daily routine in the online world. While new technologies and platforms constantly emerge; consumers are quickly accepting and adjusting faster than ever to these new forms of expression online. Individuals are becoming more open about what they share and with whom; something that wouldn’t have happened before the era of social networking. Social networking sites in turn are evolving to be more than just an enjoying pastime – they are becoming tools for people to express and shape their own identity. And it’s this identity that marketers use to market to them. An identity that defines who they are, and what their interests’ and dreams are. In the light of these new habits of sharing, the Australian Government has proposed a new privacy law to overcome the issues surrounding identifying people online. But what does this mean for marketers in the future? Continue reading